Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Oh how the news changes...

Today I opened the news paper and was shocked to find two very positive articles. Both of which I like so much that I posted them on my blog for everyone to see.

These days it seams that every time I turn on the news or read the news paper I find negative article after negative article about Real Estate, Lake Havasu Real Estate specifically and or the tough economic times.

I don't contest we are in tough times. But we has Americans are fighters and I have a positive outlook in everything I do. If I didn't I really couldn't be in the Real Estate business with its aggressive highs and low and emotional twists and turns. Not that I want any pity for the business I have chosen. I love my job and love helping people find the home of their dreams.

The thing is I sit here on the front lines of the Real Estate business in an office filled with agents. 3 months ago I would sit at my desk and there would maybe 3 other people in the office. Today I sit at my desk and see 15 other people here. All working!

The market really is turning. I have seen the change since about December. We are making deals, selling foreclosures, and watching this market improve.

I walk out this door everyday with a positive attitude about where the Real Estate Market is going. I tell perspective clients and people that I know from around town. At first everyone was like really its good out there? But now you know what I hear? I've been hearing that from a lot of people. That's the truth. The market is changing, it is improving, and in my professional opinion we are very very close to the bottom if we aren't there yet. Hindsight is 20/20 and you can never see the bottom until you start going back up.

I think today was a great day to see such positive outlooks on the world. I hope we can see much much more of this. I see it everyday and I want to share with the world that the times are changing and like they say What goes up must come down. Well that goes the other way too. Now that we are down it is time go back up. Slowly, gradually, and normally. We will recover and it has already started.

For more information about the local Lake Havasu Real Estate Market please give me a call 928-727-6290, e-mail me amber@brooks-clark.com or check out my website http://www.amebrcheramy.com/ .

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